Sunday, January 9, 2011

Blog Prompt #1

I read the interview of Megan Reardon, who is famous for crafting. She started blogging in 2001. She says she does not maintain her blog because she is lazy. However, when I saw her weblog, "Not Martha," I thought it was well organized.

She published her books about knitting and crafting after she started blogging, which means the weblog has a great influence on her. In Japan, there are many chefs that run weblogs and publish the cooking books. These books are based on the recipes on the weblogs. When I think of that, I slightly thought that we no longer need to buy books because these informations are on the web. Someday, books may dissapear and we may get every informations from the weblogs. This is scary for me because the disappearance of the books means one of our important cultures will not come down to our posterity.

What do you think about the relation between the books and the weblogs?


  1. Hi Mika,

    This is a very thoughtful post. Print media has experienced many changes and even extinctions since the development of the World Wide Web, and peoples' reading tastes and writing styles have changed a lot over a relatively short course of time. It is hard to watch culture rapidly changing, wondering if it is for better or worse. It is my personal hope that written words in print media will be enhanced, but not entirely replaced, by new media.


  2. Hi Mika,
    I agree that disappearance of books are a disaster. What would happen if the power goes off and you did not have enough battery!!! how would you study? or what if a virus came and messed up your computer devices?

    So I think, we need to keep the hard coppy of the books, eventhough it is nice to have a digital copy of them.

  3. Hi Peggy,
    My hope for the print media is the same as yours. People's favor for reading is changing, but print media should remain as it is. In my opinion, it is hard to "read" on the websites...

  4. Hi Minoo,
    I totally agree with your questions!
    I think computer is not yet a perfect thing.
    It is delightful if the print media and the new media can coexist forever.

  5. Personally, I think that if done well, print and blogs can *coexist.* For example, leading Japanese culture blogger Danny Choo ( created two books based on pictures submitted from his fan base.
    (The OTACOOL series:

    Granted, this was in a *niche* community (anime/manga/Japanese culture), but he used the books as both a way to market the Danny Choo brand, and a way to showcase the community that he built around his sites.
